How to Get Rid of Spiders Outside The House? - Brady Pest Control

How to Get Rid of Spiders Outside The House?

Spiders are easily found outside homes. Their presence is unsettling for many individuals. You can keep these eight-legged creatures at bay.

Maintain a spider-free outdoor space by following several strategies. You can try natural remedies. Get help from pest control services. Brady Pest Control in Grand Prairie, TX. can help you handle this situation peacefully. 

Best Way to Get Rid of Spiders Outside the House?

  • Keep Outdoor Areas Clean

Regularly clean up debris. Spiders hide in woodpiles. Trim back vegetation around your home. It reduces hiding spots.

  • Use Natural Repellents

Sprinkle diatomaceous earth around entry points. Essential oils like;

  • Peppermint 
  • Tea tree
  • Citrus acts as a natural repellents. 

It is sprayed around your house to deter spiders.

  • Remove Spider Webs

Regularly sweep away spider webs. Use a vacuum cleaner or broom. Clean the areas where spiders build their webs.

  • Seal Entry Points

Check outside of your home for cracks. Look for the openings where spiders can enter. Seal these entry points with caulk. Use weather stripping to prevent spiders from gaining access to your house.

Take action against spider infestations. Contact us now!

  • Install Outdoor Lighting Strategically

Spiders are attracted to light sources. Use yellow or sodium vapor lights. It is less attractive to insects. Keep the outdoor lights off when not needed. It can reduce spider activity around your home.

  • Use Spider-Repelling Plants

Plant certain herbs and flowers known for their spider-repelling properties. The eucalyptus, lavender, mint, and marigolds can help deter spiders from taking up residence.

  • Apply Spider-Specific Pesticides

Use spider-specific pesticides labeled for outdoor use. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. Avoid spraying near water sources or edible plants.

Hire Professional Pest Control Services

Best Solutions for Long-Term Pest Management in Desoto TX - Brady Pest Control

Get help from a professional pest control company for severe spider infestations outside the home. They can assess the situation. Develop a customized treatment plan. And safely apply effective pesticides to eliminate spiders from your outdoor space.

Final Words!

You can get rid of spiders outside your house easily. Create a pleasant outdoor environment. Opt for professional pest control services like Brady Pest Control. Take proactive steps to control spider populations. It can help you enjoy your outdoor space without the unwanted arachnid guests.

Get help from Brady Pest Control in Grand Prairie, TX. Fill out our form to get a free quote today or call 817-714-5875.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Why do I have so many spiders outside my house?

Spiders are attracted to outdoor environments. It offers ample food sources like insects. It provides suitable hiding spots such as vegetation, debris, and cracks in walls. Outdoor lights can draw insects, which attract spiders seeking food.

What is the best way to get rid of spiders outside?

The best way to get rid of spiders outside your house is to; 

  • Keep outdoor clean
  • Remove their webs regularly
  • Seal entry points
  • Use natural repellents 
  • Seek professional pest control services for severe infestations.

What keeps spiders away permanently?

Spiders can be kept away permanently by implementing a combination of preventative measures. Maintain a clean outdoor environment. Plant spider-repelling herbs. Address any underlying insect issues that attract spiders.

Why are there a lot of spiders outside my house?

A high population of spiders outside your house may indicate favorable environmental conditions. Abundant prey and suitable hiding spots can cause severe spider infestations outside your home.

What smells do spiders hate?

Spiders dislike the smell of essential oils such as;

  •  Peppermint
  • Tea tree
  • Citrus. 

These scents can act as natural repellents.

What are spiders most afraid of?

Spiders are most afraid of predators. They are afraid of birds, lizards, and larger spider species. They exhibit avoidance behavior towards certain scents and movements that signal potential danger.

What annoys a spider?

Spiders can be annoyed by disturbances to their web. Vibrations or disruptions caused by wind, rain, or human activity can disrupt spiders. Scents like citrus can deter spiders.

What is the biggest enemy of spiders?

The biggest enemy of spiders in nature is the predators. Lizards and other predatory insects feed on spiders. Spiders are part of their diet.

What naturally kills spiders?

Several natural substances can effectively kill spiders. It includes;

  • Diatomaceous earth
  • Vinegar
  • Citrus-based cleaners
  • Essential oils (tea tree and peppermint)

These substances can be sprayed directly on spiders to eliminate them.

Take control of your outdoor space today! Contact Brady Pest Control for professional spider extermination services.

08 Infestation Signs of Carpenter Ants in the House - Brady Pest Control

08 Infestation Signs of Carpenter Ants in the House?

Carpenter ants are sneaky invaders. They cause damage to the wooden structures in the house. Early identification of the signs of their presence prevents extensive damage. Brady Pest Control provides carpenter ant control services in Grand Prairie, TX. 

Signs of Carpenter Ant Damage and Infestations in House

  • Sawdust Trails

The presence of sawdust trails is the primary sign of carpenter ants. It is also known as frass. You may spot small piles of sawdust-like material near wooden structures like baseboards or window sills. It could indicate carpenter ant activity.

  • Audible Activity

Listen for faint rustling. Carpenter ants tunnel through wood. They build their nests in the woods. They create these sounds in the process.

  • Visible Ants

The black ants roaming in the house is an indication of a carpenter ant infestation.

  • Wood Damage

Check for signs of wood damage. Hollow-sounding wood when tapped. They leave behind smooth and clean galleries within the wood.

  • Presence of Winged Ants

Carpenter ants produce winged males and females during mating season. They are known as swarmers. Finding these winged ants indoors indicates an ant colony nearby.

  • Ant Trails

When carpenter ants travel between their nest and food sources they leave behind visible trails. Look for long ant trails on your lawn. 

  • Ant Droppings

Identifying ant droppings in your house. It consists of soft, fibrous pieces of wood and fecal matter. It is another sign of the carpenter ant’s presence.

  • Shed Wings

Swarmers shed their wings after mating. They leave them scattered around window sills or baseboards. These shed wings are a strong indicator of a nearby carpenter ant colony.

Appearance of Carpenter Ants

Carpenter ants are large. They are usually black. Worker ants are around 0.5 inches in length. Queens ants can be up to 1 inch. Carpenter ants do not eat wood for nourishment. They carve out their homes in the softer portion of the wood grain.

Get Help!

Why Choose Brady Pest Control for Carpenter Ant Control in Grand Prairie

If you notice any of these signs of carpenter ant infestation. Seek professional help instantly. Brady Pest Control Services in Grand Prairie, TX, specializes in addressing common household pests like carpenter ants. Our trained professionals implement effective treatment strategies to eliminate the ants. 


Contact Brady Pest Control Services today to protect your home. Call at 817-714-5875. Fill out our form to get a free quote today.

Infestation Signs of Carpenter Ants FAQs

  1. How do I know if I have a carpenter ant infestation?

Several signs can help confirm the carpenter ant’s infestation. Look out for:

  1. Sawdust trails.
  2. An audible activity like rustling.
  3. Visible ants.
  4. Wood damage.
  5. Presence of winged ants.
  6. Ant trails.
  7. Ant droppings.
  8. Shed wings. 
  1. How do you know if your house is infested with ants?

The visible ants identify an ant infestation in your house. Look in the areas like kitchens. Notice ant nests in outdoor areas like gardens.

  1. How do you find where carpenter ants are coming in?

To find where carpenter ants are entering your house:

    1. Inspect the exterior for cracks or openings around the house.
    2. Trace ant trails back to their entry points.
  1. How long does a carpenter ant infestation last?

The duration of a carpenter ant infestation depends on the size of the colony and environmental conditions. Infestations persist for a long time without intervention.

  1. What does a bad ant infestation look like?

A bad ant infestation involves a large number of ants visible indoors. Widespread trails around the house are another sign of a bad infestation. 

  1. How many ants indicate an infestation?

A few ants indoors can indicate an infestation. As they may be scouts for a larger colony. 

  1. How to get rid of carpenter ants?

To get rid of carpenter ants:

    1. Eliminate food sources.
    2. Seal entry points.
    3. Remove moisture sources.
    4. Use bait or insecticide treatments.
    5. Professional pest control services offer exceptional treatment options.
  1. How do I permanently get rid of ants in my house?

Try water-based solutions with borax or Diatomaceous earth. It permanently eliminates ants. Pour boiling water into ant holes. Consult an exterminator

  1. How do you treat an ant infestation in your house?

Treating an ant infestation involves identifying and eliminating nests. Use insecticides. Implement preventive measures to deter future infestations.

  1. What smell do ants hate?

Ants dislike strong scents. Use peppermint or citrus scents as natural repellents. It deters ants from entering your home.

  1. How do I get rid of 100% ants?

For a comprehensive approach to eliminating ants:

  1. Combine sanitation practices.
  2. Seal entry points.
  3. Use bait traps.
  4. Spray insecticides.

Don’t let ants take over your home. Contact us now to find the best solution for your ant problem.

Found a Dead Bed Bug Shells after Treatment What To Do? - Brady Pest Control

Found a Dead Bed Bug Shell after Treatment? What To Do?

Finding dead bed bug shells in your home after treatment can be both a relief and a cause for concern. It shows the progress of bed bug treatment and the quick need for thorough cleanup and preventive measures.

Brady Pest Control offers the best bed bug treatment in Grand Prairie TX. We target bed bugs at all stages of their life cycle with our advanced technology. Brady Pest Control guarantees the eradication of bed bugs.

Dead Bed Bugs Infestation in Your Home

A dead bed bug infestation in your home is unsettling. Dead bed bug shells are found in the area where bed bugs hide. They can be found at places such as;

  • Mattresses
  • Furniture seams
  • Baseboards
  • Crevices in Furniture
  • Cracks in walls

Appearance of Dead Bed Bug Shells

The appearance of dead bed bugs depends on their life stage at the time of death. Adults are easily identifiable due to their larger size. They are five millimeters long and brown to red. Nymphs are younger bed bugs. The color may appear white and darken as they age. you can also explore our latest post on Where Does Pest Control Spray In Apartments

How to Clean Up After a Dead Bed Bug Treatment?

How to Clean Up After a Bed Bug Treatment? | Brady Pest Control

  • Vacuum Thoroughly

Use a vacuum cleaner with a crevice tool to vacuum all areas where dead bed bugs and their shells are present. 

  • Dispose Properly

After vacuuming, seal the vacuum bag. Empty the canister into a plastic bag. Dispose of it outside your home. 

  • Wash Bedding and Clothing

Launder all bedding, clothing, and fabrics. Use hot water. A high heat setting in the dryer should be used.

  • Inspect and Seal Cracks

Seal the cracks and crevices by using caulk. It prevents future infestations.

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Get Help!

Contact Brady Pest Control Services in Grand Prairie, TX. Call at 817-714-5875 or fill out the form. The expert treatment makes sure that your home remains bed bugs-free.

Frequently Asked Questions of  Dead Bed Bug Shells!

  1. What does a dead bed bug look like?

 A dead bed bug appears flat, dried out, and shriveled. The color depends on its life stage and ranges from brown to reddish-brown.

  1. What does it mean when you find a bed bug shell?

A bed bug shell (exoskeleton) indicates the infestation of bed bugs. The presence of shells shows that it has gone through the molting process as it grows. 

  1. What do bed bug shells look like?

 Bed bug shells are translucent and papery in texture. They resemble the shape and size of an adult bed bug but lack the coloration. 

  1. Do bed bugs leave empty shells?

Yes, bed bugs shed their exoskeletons as they grow. They leave empty shells behind. These shells can accumulate in areas where bed bugs infest. 

  1. What to do if you find a dead bed bug?

If you find a dead bed bug after treatment. Grab a vacuum. Vacuum cracks and crevices to remove any debris and shells. 

  1. Is one dead bed bug bad?

If you find a dead bed bug, kill it. Finding one dead bed bug may indicate the presence of a larger infestation. 

  1. Why did I find one dead bed bug?

Finding one dead bed bug doesn’t mean infestation. It is possible that you picked it up from somewhere and discovered it shortly. 

  1. How long will I find dead bed bugs?

The presence of dead bed bugs continues for a few days after treatment. 

  1. What instantly kills bed bugs?

Heat treatments can kill bed bugs instantly. Insecticides specifically designed for bed bugs are also an effective method for instantly killing bed bugs. 

  1. Is it safe to sleep with bed bugs?

Sleeping with bed bugs can cause serious health risks. It can cause allergic reactions. 

  1. Is it okay to live with bed bugs?

Living with bed bugs is not ideal. It can negatively impact your quality of life. 

  1. Is it dirty to have bed bugs?

Bed bugs are not attracted to dirt. They can infest clean environments. Their presence does not necessarily indicate poor hygiene.

  1. Will sleeping with the light on stop bed bugs?

Sleeping with lights on won’t keep bed bugs from feeding. It is not a reliable method for preventing an infestation. 

  1. How can I avoid bed bugs while sleeping?

Wash your bedding with hot water regularly. It is the best way to avoid bed bugs.

Don’t let bed bugs take over. Call us today for professional assistance!


Comprehensive Guide to Rodent Control: Protect Your Home from Mice and Rats

Unwanted rodent guests, such as mice and rats, can wreak havoc on your property and cause a multitude of health concerns for your family. These destructive pests are notorious for spreading diseases, contaminating food, and causing structural damage to your home. As pest management professionals, our mission is to help homeowners understand and address rodent infestations effectively.

Mice and rats are the most commonly encountered rodents in residential areas. These pests are incredibly adaptable and can infiltrate a wide range of environments, often seeking shelter indoors as the temperatures drop. Both mice and rats are known for their incredible breeding capabilities, which can quickly turn a small infestation into a major problem if not addressed promptly.

Detecting a rodent infestation early is crucial in preventing significant damage and health risks associated with these pests. Signs of a rodent infestation may include droppings, gnaw marks on furniture or wires, damaged food packaging, or scratching noises within walls or ceilings. By recognizing these indicators, you can take swift action to combat the infestation and protect your property.

In this guide, we will provide valuable insights on the most effective preventative strategies, as well as discuss various control methods – both do-it-yourself and professional – to ensure a rodent-free home. With the right knowledge and tools, you can safeguard your family’s health, your food supplies, and your property from potentially costly damages caused by mice and rats.

Identifying Common Types of Rodents: Mice vs. Rats

Most rodent infestations consist of either mice or rats, each with their unique characteristics and challenges. Understanding the differences between these two pests will help you choose the most effective control methods:

  1. House Mice: These small rodents are typically gray or brown and have large ears and a pointed nose. They are agile climbers and can easily access various areas of your home. House mice are notorious for reproducing rapidly and can be a significant challenge if left uncontrolled.
  2. Norway Rats: Also known as brown rats, these larger rodents have a robust, stocky build, along with a blunt nose and small ears. They are primarily burrowers and are more likely to be found in ground-level spaces like basements and crawlspaces. Norway rats can cause considerable damage due to their strong gnawing capabilities.

Rodent Prevention: Keeping Mice and Rats Away from Your Home

Prevention is a crucial aspect of rodent control. Protect your home against mice and rats by implementing the following preventive measures:

  1. Seal Entry Points: Mice can squeeze through gaps as small as a pencil’s width, while rats can fit through openings as small as a quarter’s diameter. Inspect your property for cracks or holes, and seal them with caulking, metal mesh, or other durable materials.
  2. Eliminate Food Sources: Store food in airtight containers and keep pantry shelves clean and organized to reduce the likelihood of attracting rodents. Also, secure garbage bins with tight-fitting lids and clean up pet food dishes after each use.
  3. Clear Clutter: Remove items from storage areas, basements, attics, and crawlspaces that could provide hiding and nesting places for rodents. Organize storage spaces and store items off the ground in plastic bins with tight-fitting lids.

Do-It-Yourself Rodent Control Methods

If you’ve detected signs of a rodent infestation in your home, there are several do-it-yourself control measures available:

  1. Trapping: Use snap traps or humane live traps to catch and remove rodents from your home. Bait the traps with food such as peanut butter or cheese and place them along walls or in areas where rodent activity has been detected. Check traps regularly and wear gloves when handling them to protect yourself from potential health risks associated with rodent droppings or urine.
  2. Rodenticides: Poison baits can be purchased to control rodents, but extreme caution is necessary, as these products can be harmful to children and pets if not used correctly. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and place bait stations out of reach from non-target animals.
  3. Natural Repellents: Some homeowners opt to use natural repellents such as peppermint oil, mothballs, or ultrasonic devices to deter rodents. However, their effectiveness may vary, and these methods are generally not as reliable as trapping or professional pest control services.

Professional Rodent Control: When to Call the Experts

Sometimes, do-it-yourself methods may not be enough to combat a severe rodent infestation. Here’s when you should consider contacting a professional pest control service:

  1. Infestation Severity: If you’re dealing with a sizeable or recurring rodent infestation, a professional exterminator can provide the expertise and equipment necessary to tackle the problem effectively.
  2. Safety Concerns: Professionals have the experience and knowledge to handle rodent control products safely, reducing the risk of exposure to harmful substances or potential health hazards.
  3. Long-Term Solutions: Proven pest control techniques and customized strategies implemented by experts can ensure long-lasting results, giving you peace of mind and a rodent-free home.


Keeping your home free from mice and rats requires vigilance and effective prevention and control measures. By following the tips outlined in this comprehensive guide, you can protect your family’s health, food supplies, and property from the potentially costly and damaging impact of a rodent infestation. Remember that early intervention is crucial to successfully managing mice and rats in your home.

For expert advice, personalized solutions, and reliable pest and rodent control services, rely on the experienced team at Brady Pest Control. We’re dedicated to helping you safeguard your home from unwanted rodent intruders and ensuring that your living spaces remain comfortable and pest-free. Contact us today!

Carpenter Ant Control Homeowners

Essential Guide to Carpenter Ant Control for Homeowners

As a homeowner, the thought of dealing with a pest infestation may be concerning, but have you considered the damage that specific pests like carpenter ants can cause? Carpenter ants are notorious for burrowing through wooden structures, creating a network of tunnels and galleries, which can lead to structural damage and costly repairs.

Carpenter ants are among the largest and most common ants found in North America. Contrary to common belief, they do not eat wood like termites. Instead, they excavate wood to create their nests, weakening your property’s structural integrity. They are typically dark-colored, ranging from black to brownish-red, with the size of a worker ant varying between 1/4” to 1/2” in length. One obvious sign of carpenter ant infestation is spotting worker ants or winged reproductive ants (swarmers) in or around your home.

Recognizing early signs of carpenter ants is crucial in mitigating damage to your property. Some indicators of their presence include:

  1. Sightings of worker ants or swarmers occurring regularly in your home.
  2. Faint rustling noises in your walls or wooden structures, which can be caused by ants moving inside the wood.
  3. Piles of wood shavings or “frass” beneath wooden areas, indicating excavation activities.

By understanding how to identify a carpenter ant infestation, you can take prompt action to prevent further damage to your home. In this guide, we’ll explore essential prevention measures that homeowners should employ and discuss various control methods that can be applied to combat active infestations. With our expert guidance, you can keep your home safe from these destructive pests and maintain your property’s structural integrity.


Carpenter Ant Prevention Strategies

Preventing carpenter ant infestations in your home is the most effective way to protect your property from potential damage. Adopt these prevention strategies to reduce the chances of a carpenter ant infestation:

  1. Remove Potential Nesting Sites: Inspect your property for rotting wood and cracks in wooden structures, and store firewood away from your home. Any area with decaying wood can provide a suitable nesting environment for carpenter ants.
  2. Seal Entry Points: Carpenter ants can enter your home through tiny gaps and cracks. Seal any openings around doors, windows, and utility lines with caulking or expandable foam to keep them out.
  3. Eliminate Excess Moisture: High humidity and excess moisture attract carpenter ants as they require water for survival. Repair leaking pipes, ensure proper drainage, and use dehumidifiers in damp areas.
  4. Maintain Your Landscape: Keep tree branches and shrubbery well-trimmed and away from your home. These can serve as a bridge for carpenter ants to access your property.
  5. Proper Food Storage: Carpenter ants, like other ant species, are attracted to food sources. Ensure that all food items in your home are stored in airtight containers and clean up spills promptly.

Identifying and Monitoring Carpenter Ant Activity

Before attempting to control or eliminate carpenter ants, it is essential to locate their nest(s) correctly. By carefully observing their activity patterns, you can determine the general location of their nest(s) and develop an effective treatment plan. Here are some tips for identifying and monitoring carpenter ant activity:

  1. Observe Foraging Activity: Carpenter ants are most active at night when they search for food. By observing where they are prevalent and the direction they travel, you may be able to trace their route back to their nest.
  2. Use Bait Stations: Place small amounts of honey or sugar water on index cards or small flat surfaces near areas with suspected ant activity. Monitor where the ants take the bait – this could reveal the location of their nest entrance.
  3. Inspect Structures: Regularly check wooden structures on your property, such as fences, decks, and roof eaves, for signs of carpenter ant infestations or damage.

Carpenter Ant Control Methods

Once you’ve identified carpenter ant activity in your home, it’s time to implement control measures to eliminate the infestation. Several methods can be applied, including both do-it-yourself and professional solutions:

  1. Non-toxic Bait Traps: DIY bait traps using items like honey or sugar water mixed with boric acid can help to control carpenter ant populations. The ants take the bait back to their nest, where it is shared among the colony, gradually killing it off.
  2. Insecticidal Dust Applications: Insecticidal dust, such as diatomaceous earth, can be used to treat wall voids and other areas where carpenter ants tend to nest. Apply the dust in problem areas to eliminate ants as they travel through the treated zones.
  3. Spot Treatments: Applying a residual insecticide to the exterior of your home, such as around windows, doorframes, and other openings, can help deter carpenter ants from entering your property.
  4. Professional Extermination: If the infestation is extensive or DIY methods prove ineffective, calling a pest control professional is recommended. A professional exterminator will be able to develop a comprehensive treatment plan and utilize advanced tools and techniques to eliminate the carpenter ant infestation entirely.

Post-Treatment Precautions and Maintenance

After successfully controlling a carpenter ant infestation, it’s essential to remain vigilant and follow these post-treatment precautions and maintenance tips to prevent future infestations:

  1. Continue Monitoring: Keep an eye out for any signs of recurring carpenter ant activity. Early detection allows for prompt treatment and helps prevent extensive damage.
  2. Maintain Prevention Measures: Ensure that preventative measures remain in place, such as proper food storage, sealing entry points, and keeping your property free of moisture problems.
  3. Schedule Regular Inspections: Have a pest control professional inspect your property periodically to detect any potential issues or signs of carpenter ant activity before they become substantial problems.


While dealing with carpenter ants can be challenging, a proactive and informed approach can protect your home from these destructive pests. By implementing adequate prevention measures, regularly monitoring for signs of an infestation, and employing effective control methods, you can maintain your property’s structural integrity and avoid costly damage. Always remember, when in doubt, it’s best to consult and seek the assistance of a professional pest control service.

Don’t let carpenter ants put your home in jeopardy. Reach out to our ant exterminators at Brady Pest Control today for expert advice and top-of-the-line solutions to keep these wood-destroying invaders at bay.

pet at home

Effective Flea and Tick Prevention and Control for Pet Owners

As pet owners, keeping our furry companions healthy and happy is a top priority. However, fleas and ticks can pose a serious threat to the well-being of our pets and even affect the comfort of our homes. These blood-sucking parasites not only cause itching and irritation for our pets but can also transmit diseases, making it crucial for pet owners to take proper measures to prevent, detect, and control flea and tick infestations. As dedicated pest management professionals, we’re here to guide you through the process of protecting your beloved pets and maintaining a flea and tick-free home.

Fleas are tiny, wingless insects that infest and feed on the blood of mammals and birds, while ticks are small arachnids that latch onto their hosts in search of a blood meal. Both parasites can rapidly multiply and are capable of transmitting various diseases to their hosts, such as flea-borne typhus, Lyme disease, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. A flea and tick infestation is not only uncomfortable and potentially dangerous for your pets but can also lead to issues within your home, as these pests may invade your living spaces and even target human occupants.

To ensure a healthy environment for your pets and family, it’s important to enact effective strategies for flea and tick prevention and control. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll provide essential information on identifying flea and tick infestations, preventive measures for your pets and home, and reliable control and treatment methods. With our expert advice, you can keep your pets safe, happy, and free from the discomfort and risks associated with flea and tick infestations.

Preventive Measures for Fleas and Ticks on Pets

One of the most effective methods to keep your pets and home free from fleas and ticks is through prevention. Familiarize yourself with these essential preventive measures that can be applied to protect your pets from these pesky parasites:

  1. Regular Grooming: Brush your pet’s fur regularly to check for fleas and ticks. This not only helps with early detection but also improves your pet’s overall comfort and well-being.
  2. Flea and Tick Treatments: Use veterinarian-approved flea and tick treatments, such as topical medication, oral preventives, and medicated collars. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and consult your veterinarian for guidance on the most suitable products for your pet.
  3. Keep Your Pet’s Environment Clean: Wash your pet’s bedding, blankets, and toys regularly. This helps to remove any fleas or ticks that might be hiding in these areas.
  4. Pest-Resistant Outdoor Spaces: If your pet spends time outdoors, make sure your yard is well-maintained. Keep grass mowed, trim bushes regularly, and clean up leaves to minimize potential hiding places for fleas and ticks.

Detecting Flea and Tick Infestations on Pets

Early detection of flea and tick infestations on your pets is crucial for effective control and treatment. Follow these steps to identify the signs of an infestation:

  1. Visual Inspection: Regularly examine your pet’s skin and coat for signs of fleas or ticks. Be sure to check behind the ears, under the legs, and around the neck. Fleas are small, reddish-brown, and can be seen moving through your pet’s fur. Ticks are larger and can be felt as small, firm bumps on your pet’s skin.
  2. Flea Dirt Test: Look for tiny, dark specks in your pet’s fur or bedding. Use a flea comb to collect the specks and place them on a damp white tissue. If the specks turn reddish-brown, it is an indication of flea dirt – dried blood excreted by fleas.
  3. Skin Irritation and Scratching: If your pet is constantly scratching, biting itself, or shaking its head, this could be a sign of fleas or ticks. Examine your pet’s skin for redness, swelling, or scabs, which may result from the bites of these parasites.

Flea and Tick Control Methods for Pets

Once you have detected fleas or ticks on your pets, it’s time to take action. Employ these effective control methods to eliminate the infestation on your pets:

  1. Flea and Tick Shampoos: Use a veterinarian-recommended flea and tick shampoo to bathe your pet. This will kill the adult fleas and ticks on your pet’s skin. Be sure to follow the package instructions carefully for the best results.
  2. Combing and Manual Removal: Regularly use a flea comb to remove fleas and flea dirt from your pet’s fur. For tick removal, use tweezers or a tick removal tool, carefully grasping the tick as close to your pet’s skin as possible and pulling it out with a steady, upward motion.
  3. Consult a Veterinarian: If the infestation is severe, or if your pet is experiencing health issues due to the parasites, consult a veterinarian for additional treatment options.

Preventing and Controlling Flea and Tick Infestations in Your Home

Fleas and ticks not only affect your pets, but they can also infest your home. Take these preventive and control measures to keep your living spaces free from these parasites:

  1. Vacuum Regularly: Vacuum your floors, carpets, and upholstery frequently to remove fleas, ticks, and their eggs. Be sure to dispose of the vacuum bag or contents outside to prevent re-infestation.
  2. Wash and Sanitize: Regularly launder your pet’s bedding and any other washable items with which your pet has come in contact, using hot water and detergent to kill any remaining fleas and ticks.
  3. Pest Control Solutions: Use veterinarian-approved flea and tick sprays or foggers to treat your home. Follow the product instructions carefully for the most effective results.
  4. Hire a Professional Exterminator: For severe infestations, contacting a professional pest control service to treat your home can be the most effective solution. Expert exterminators will have the experience, tools, and knowledge needed to eliminate the infestation entirely.


Protecting your pets and home from flea and tick infestations requires vigilance, preventive measures, and prompt action when these pests are detected. By following the tips outlined in this guide, you can safeguard your pets’ health and maintain a comfortable, pest-free environment for your family. Remember that early intervention and proper treatment are key to successfully managing and controlling flea and tick infestations.

If you’re in need of professional pest control for fleas and ticks in your home, count on Brady Pest Control. Together, we can ensure the health and comfort of your pets and family. Get in touch with us today!

Pest Control And Termite Services

Termites Control: Expert Tips to Safeguard Your Home from Costly Damages

Termites are widely recognized as one of the most destructive pests that can infest a home, costing homeowners billions of dollars in damages each year across the United States. As pest management professionals, we have the experience and expertise necessary to help you understand the risks associated with termite infestations, identify the early signs of an infestation, and utilize proven prevention and elimination methods to safeguard your home from potential damage.

A termite infestation can be challenging to spot, as these silent destroyers often work behind the scenes, feasting on wood and paper products. They operate in colonies that, if left unnoticed, can cause significant damage to your home’s structural integrity. Early termite detection and immediate intervention are crucial to mitigating the impact of these invasive pests on your property.

In this comprehensive guide, we will share Brady Pest Control expert advice on avoiding termite infestations, recognizing the early signs of termites in your home, and selecting the most efficient treatment methods to control the problem before it spirals out of control. Armed with this knowledge, homeowners and business owners can take proactive steps to protect their investments and maintain a structurally sound and termite-free living environment.

If you suspect or confirm a termite infestation in your home, the team at Brady Pest Control is readily available to provide you with expert guidance, professional termite treatments, and comprehensive pest control services that will stop these destructive invaders in their tracks for up to 15 years! Working together, we can help you ensure the safety and longevity of your home in the face of potential termite damage.

Identifying the Early Signs of Termite Infestations

Stay one step ahead by recognizing these warning signs of termites in your home:

  • Mud tubes: Subterranean termites create mud tubes on your home’s foundation, walls, or wooden structures, which provide them shelter and moisture as they travel between the colony and their food source.
  • Swarming: Reproductive termites, or swarmers, are winged and leave the colony to establish new colonies. If you notice a swarm or find discarded wings near any windows, doors, or foundation vents, this could indicate a termite infestation.
  • Damaged wood: Termites eat and hollow out wooden structures, leaving behind uneven or honeycombed patterns. Use a screwdriver to tap on wood surfaces in your home; if it sounds hollow or crumbles easily, it may be due to termite damage.
  • Paint or Wallpaper Anomalies: Paint that is bubbling or wallpaper that has become loose or warped may be a sign of termite damage just beneath the surface.

Essential Prevention Strategies for Termite Control

Protect your home from termites with these effective Brady Pest Control prevention measures:

  • Eliminate Excess Moisture: Termites thrive in humid conditions, so maintaining proper ventilation and repairing any leaks, drips, or water-damaged structures will deter them from settling.
  • Wood-to-Ground Contact Reduction: Avoid having any wooden parts of your home’s structure come into direct contact with the soil, as this makes it easier for termites to infest the wood.
  • Regular inspections: Conduct periodic pest inspections to check for signs of termites, paying close attention to structural wood in crawl spaces, attics, and basements.
  • Maintain Your Yard: Clear away any wood debris, dead tree stumps, or mulch near your home’s foundation. Ensure gutters and downspouts direct water away from your property to prevent moisture buildup, which attracts termites.

Choosing the Right Treatment Method for Termite Control

If termites have invaded your home, Brady Pest Control will consider these termite treatment options to effectively eliminate the infestation:

  • Liquid Barriers: Applying chemicals to the soil around your home to create a barrier that prevents termites from entering, either killing them or repelling them away from your property. Depending on the type used, the treatment can remain effective for several, up to 15 years.
  • Baits and Bait Systems: Strategically place bait stations in the ground around your property to attract foraging termites, which will then carry the bait back to their colony, eventually eliminating it. This method may take longer but can be highly effective when properly installed and maintained.
  • Professional expertise: If you are unsure about the best course of action or need assistance, consult with Brady pest control service experienced in termite control. They will assess the situation and recommend the most effective treatment option for your specific infestation.

Post-Treatment Measures and Ongoing Prevention

After successfully treating a termite infestation, follow these steps to ensure long-term protection:

  • Ongoing maintenance: Continue to monitor for any signs of new termite activity, and carry out scheduled inspections and treatments as needed, particularly for the use of bait systems.
  • Strengthen Preventive Measures: Increase the effectiveness of your prevention methods, addressing any shortcomings you discovered during the initial infestation.
  • Repair Termite Damage: Assess the extent of the termite-related damage and make appropriate repairs to your home’s structure to ensure that it remains secure and protected.
  • Consult with Brady Pest Control Professionals: Maintain a relationship with your pest control professional, who can provide ongoing support, advice, and prevention recommendations, keeping your home termite-free for years to come.


Taking a proactive approach to termite control is the best way to protect your home’s structural integrity, financial investment, and family health. By recognizing the early signs of termite infestations, implementing effective prevention strategies, and utilizing the most appropriate treatment methods, homeowners can successfully safeguard their properties from these destructive pests.

Dealing with a termite infestation or seeking professional guidance and support in managing termite prevention? Contact Brady Pest Control today! Our dedicated team of termite control experts is here to assist you in every step of the process. With our expert guidance and support, we can help you navigate the complex world of termite control and create a safe, secure, and termite-free home for your family. Contact us now to schedule your termite control consultation and get started on the path to a termite-free home!


Winning the Battle Against Cockroaches: Effective Prevention and Control Methods

Cockroaches are one of the most persistent and adaptive pests that we encounter in our homes. These unwelcome invaders are not only repulsive to look at, but they also pose various health risks, including allergens and the potential to spread harmful microorganisms. As pest management professionals, it’s our job to help homeowners understand the challenges cockroaches present and how to eliminate them effectively.

Cockroaches are nocturnal insects and more likely to be found hiding in dark, damp spaces such as kitchens, bathrooms, and basements. A typical home may encounter various species of cockroaches, including the German cockroach, which is one of the most common and difficult to control. These adaptable insects can reproduce quickly, survive on minimal resources, and even develop resistance to certain insecticides, making them challenging for homeowners to eradicate completely.

To win the battle against cockroaches, it’s essential to be proactive and promptly address infestations. Early detection and implementation of effective control measures can protect your family’s health, preserve the hygiene of your home, and prevent a small problem from escalating into a major infestation. In this detailed guide, we’ll deliver valuable information on cockroach identification and biology, practical prevention measures, and trusted control methods to aid you in combating these tenacious pests.

Identifying Common Cockroach Species

To effectively eradicate cockroaches, it is essential to first identify the species you’re dealing with. Here are four common cockroach species found in and around houses:

1. German Cockroaches: This species is small, usually less than an inch long, and is light brown or tan with two dark parallel stripes on its head. German cockroaches are most often found in kitchens and bathrooms, as they prefer warm, moist environments.

2. American Cockroaches: Also known as “palmetto bugs”, American cockroaches are reddish-brown and can grow up to two inches in length. These pests prefer dark, damp spaces such as basements, sewers, and drain systems.

3. Oriental Cockroaches: This species is shiny black or dark brown and has a flattened body. Oriental cockroaches often inhabit basements and crawlspaces, as they prefer cooler environments.

4. Brown-Banded Cockroaches: These small cockroaches have distinctive, light brown bands across their wings and abdomen. Unlike other species, brown-banded cockroaches often inhabit drier, warmer areas, such as furniture or appliances.

Cockroach Prevention Strategies

Implement these proactive measures to discourage cockroach infestations in your home:

1. Maintain a Clean and Clutter-Free Environment: Regularly clean floors, counters, and appliances to eliminate crumbs or spills that might attract cockroaches. Remove clutter and avoid creating hiding spaces for these pests.

2. Seal Entry Points: Inspect your home for cracks or openings where cockroaches might enter, and seal them with caulk, cement, or other suitable materials. Look for gaps around windows, doors, and utility lines.

3. Proper Food and Garbage Storage: Store food in airtight containers and keep pantries and cabinets clean. Seal garbage bins with tight-fitting lids and dispose of waste frequently to reduce potential food sources for cockroaches.

4. Eliminate Excess Moisture: Repair leaky pipes or faucets and regularly clean wet areas, such as sinks, tubs, and showers. Use a dehumidifier if necessary to maintain appropriate humidity levels in your home.

Professional Cockroach Control: When to Seek Expert Help

If you’re struggling to eliminate a persistent or severe cockroach infestation, it might be time to call in the experts. Here are some reasons to consider professional pest control services:

1. Extensive Infestations: If you’re dealing with a large-scale cockroach infestation or multiple species, professional exterminators can provide the necessary resources and expertise to effectively resolve the issue.

2. Unsuccessful DIY Efforts: When do-it-yourself methods fail to achieve the desired results, professional pest control companies can develop a customized strategy using advanced techniques and treatments.

3. Preventing Re-Infestations: Professionals can provide guidance on long-term prevention measures, ensuring your home remains cockroach-free and preventing future infestations.


Effectively overcoming cockroach infestations requires persistence, vigilance, and the appropriate use of prevention and control measures. With the guidance provided in this comprehensive guide, homeowners can be better equipped to tackle these resilient pests and maintain a clean, safe, and pest-free living environment.

Trust the experienced team at Brady Pest Control to provide the expert guidance, customized solutions, and effective cockroach control and premium pest management services you deserve. Our commitment to your satisfaction ensures that your home remains protected against these unwelcome invaders, preserving the comfort and well-being of your family. Call us today for a free quote!