Pest Control And Termite Services

Termites Control: Expert Tips to Safeguard Your Home from Costly Damages

Termites are widely recognized as one of the most destructive pests that can infest a home, costing homeowners billions of dollars in damages each year across the United States. As pest management professionals, we have the experience and expertise necessary to help you understand the risks associated with termite infestations, identify the early signs of an infestation, and utilize proven prevention and elimination methods to safeguard your home from potential damage.

A termite infestation can be challenging to spot, as these silent destroyers often work behind the scenes, feasting on wood and paper products. They operate in colonies that, if left unnoticed, can cause significant damage to your home’s structural integrity. Early termite detection and immediate intervention are crucial to mitigating the impact of these invasive pests on your property.

In this comprehensive guide, we will share Brady Pest Control expert advice on avoiding termite infestations, recognizing the early signs of termites in your home, and selecting the most efficient treatment methods to control the problem before it spirals out of control. Armed with this knowledge, homeowners and business owners can take proactive steps to protect their investments and maintain a structurally sound and termite-free living environment.

If you suspect or confirm a termite infestation in your home, the team at Brady Pest Control is readily available to provide you with expert guidance, professional termite treatments, and comprehensive pest control services that will stop these destructive invaders in their tracks for up to 15 years! Working together, we can help you ensure the safety and longevity of your home in the face of potential termite damage.

Identifying the Early Signs of Termite Infestations

Stay one step ahead by recognizing these warning signs of termites in your home:

  • Mud tubes: Subterranean termites create mud tubes on your home’s foundation, walls, or wooden structures, which provide them shelter and moisture as they travel between the colony and their food source.
  • Swarming: Reproductive termites, or swarmers, are winged and leave the colony to establish new colonies. If you notice a swarm or find discarded wings near any windows, doors, or foundation vents, this could indicate a termite infestation.
  • Damaged wood: Termites eat and hollow out wooden structures, leaving behind uneven or honeycombed patterns. Use a screwdriver to tap on wood surfaces in your home; if it sounds hollow or crumbles easily, it may be due to termite damage.
  • Paint or Wallpaper Anomalies: Paint that is bubbling or wallpaper that has become loose or warped may be a sign of termite damage just beneath the surface.

Essential Prevention Strategies for Termite Control

Protect your home from termites with these effective Brady Pest Control prevention measures:

  • Eliminate Excess Moisture: Termites thrive in humid conditions, so maintaining proper ventilation and repairing any leaks, drips, or water-damaged structures will deter them from settling.
  • Wood-to-Ground Contact Reduction: Avoid having any wooden parts of your home’s structure come into direct contact with the soil, as this makes it easier for termites to infest the wood.
  • Regular inspections: Conduct periodic pest inspections to check for signs of termites, paying close attention to structural wood in crawl spaces, attics, and basements.
  • Maintain Your Yard: Clear away any wood debris, dead tree stumps, or mulch near your home’s foundation. Ensure gutters and downspouts direct water away from your property to prevent moisture buildup, which attracts termites.

Choosing the Right Treatment Method for Termite Control

If termites have invaded your home, Brady Pest Control will consider these termite treatment options to effectively eliminate the infestation:

  • Liquid Barriers: Applying chemicals to the soil around your home to create a barrier that prevents termites from entering, either killing them or repelling them away from your property. Depending on the type used, the treatment can remain effective for several, up to 15 years.
  • Baits and Bait Systems: Strategically place bait stations in the ground around your property to attract foraging termites, which will then carry the bait back to their colony, eventually eliminating it. This method may take longer but can be highly effective when properly installed and maintained.
  • Professional expertise: If you are unsure about the best course of action or need assistance, consult with Brady pest control service experienced in termite control. They will assess the situation and recommend the most effective treatment option for your specific infestation.

Post-Treatment Measures and Ongoing Prevention

After successfully treating a termite infestation, follow these steps to ensure long-term protection:

  • Ongoing maintenance: Continue to monitor for any signs of new termite activity, and carry out scheduled inspections and treatments as needed, particularly for the use of bait systems.
  • Strengthen Preventive Measures: Increase the effectiveness of your prevention methods, addressing any shortcomings you discovered during the initial infestation.
  • Repair Termite Damage: Assess the extent of the termite-related damage and make appropriate repairs to your home’s structure to ensure that it remains secure and protected.
  • Consult with Brady Pest Control Professionals: Maintain a relationship with your pest control professional, who can provide ongoing support, advice, and prevention recommendations, keeping your home termite-free for years to come.


Taking a proactive approach to termite control is the best way to protect your home’s structural integrity, financial investment, and family health. By recognizing the early signs of termite infestations, implementing effective prevention strategies, and utilizing the most appropriate treatment methods, homeowners can successfully safeguard their properties from these destructive pests.

Dealing with a termite infestation or seeking professional guidance and support in managing termite prevention? Contact Brady Pest Control today! Our dedicated team of termite control experts is here to assist you in every step of the process. With our expert guidance and support, we can help you navigate the complex world of termite control and create a safe, secure, and termite-free home for your family. Contact us now to schedule your termite control consultation and get started on the path to a termite-free home!


Winning the Battle Against Cockroaches: Effective Prevention and Control Methods

Cockroaches are one of the most persistent and adaptive pests that we encounter in our homes. These unwelcome invaders are not only repulsive to look at, but they also pose various health risks, including allergens and the potential to spread harmful microorganisms. As pest management professionals, it’s our job to help homeowners understand the challenges cockroaches present and how to eliminate them effectively.

Cockroaches are nocturnal insects and more likely to be found hiding in dark, damp spaces such as kitchens, bathrooms, and basements. A typical home may encounter various species of cockroaches, including the German cockroach, which is one of the most common and difficult to control. These adaptable insects can reproduce quickly, survive on minimal resources, and even develop resistance to certain insecticides, making them challenging for homeowners to eradicate completely.

To win the battle against cockroaches, it’s essential to be proactive and promptly address infestations. Early detection and implementation of effective control measures can protect your family’s health, preserve the hygiene of your home, and prevent a small problem from escalating into a major infestation. In this detailed guide, we’ll deliver valuable information on cockroach identification and biology, practical prevention measures, and trusted control methods to aid you in combating these tenacious pests.

Identifying Common Cockroach Species

To effectively eradicate cockroaches, it is essential to first identify the species you’re dealing with. Here are four common cockroach species found in and around houses:

1. German Cockroaches: This species is small, usually less than an inch long, and is light brown or tan with two dark parallel stripes on its head. German cockroaches are most often found in kitchens and bathrooms, as they prefer warm, moist environments.

2. American Cockroaches: Also known as “palmetto bugs”, American cockroaches are reddish-brown and can grow up to two inches in length. These pests prefer dark, damp spaces such as basements, sewers, and drain systems.

3. Oriental Cockroaches: This species is shiny black or dark brown and has a flattened body. Oriental cockroaches often inhabit basements and crawlspaces, as they prefer cooler environments.

4. Brown-Banded Cockroaches: These small cockroaches have distinctive, light brown bands across their wings and abdomen. Unlike other species, brown-banded cockroaches often inhabit drier, warmer areas, such as furniture or appliances.

Cockroach Prevention Strategies

Implement these proactive measures to discourage cockroach infestations in your home:

1. Maintain a Clean and Clutter-Free Environment: Regularly clean floors, counters, and appliances to eliminate crumbs or spills that might attract cockroaches. Remove clutter and avoid creating hiding spaces for these pests.

2. Seal Entry Points: Inspect your home for cracks or openings where cockroaches might enter, and seal them with caulk, cement, or other suitable materials. Look for gaps around windows, doors, and utility lines.

3. Proper Food and Garbage Storage: Store food in airtight containers and keep pantries and cabinets clean. Seal garbage bins with tight-fitting lids and dispose of waste frequently to reduce potential food sources for cockroaches.

4. Eliminate Excess Moisture: Repair leaky pipes or faucets and regularly clean wet areas, such as sinks, tubs, and showers. Use a dehumidifier if necessary to maintain appropriate humidity levels in your home.

Professional Cockroach Control: When to Seek Expert Help

If you’re struggling to eliminate a persistent or severe cockroach infestation, it might be time to call in the experts. Here are some reasons to consider professional pest control services:

1. Extensive Infestations: If you’re dealing with a large-scale cockroach infestation or multiple species, professional exterminators can provide the necessary resources and expertise to effectively resolve the issue.

2. Unsuccessful DIY Efforts: When do-it-yourself methods fail to achieve the desired results, professional pest control companies can develop a customized strategy using advanced techniques and treatments.

3. Preventing Re-Infestations: Professionals can provide guidance on long-term prevention measures, ensuring your home remains cockroach-free and preventing future infestations.


Effectively overcoming cockroach infestations requires persistence, vigilance, and the appropriate use of prevention and control measures. With the guidance provided in this comprehensive guide, homeowners can be better equipped to tackle these resilient pests and maintain a clean, safe, and pest-free living environment.

Trust the experienced team at Brady Pest Control to provide the expert guidance, customized solutions, and effective cockroach control and premium pest management services you deserve. Our commitment to your satisfaction ensures that your home remains protected against these unwelcome invaders, preserving the comfort and well-being of your family. Call us today for a free quote!

Pest control

Importance of Pest Control Services for Homes or Businesses

For both homeowners and business owners, creating a safe and hygienic environment is crucial in maintaining not only property value but also the well-being of those who inhabit the space. While it may seem like a minor concern, pest control plays a critical role in ensuring the comfort and safety of your living or workspace. Pests, if left unchecked, can lead to various health risks, structural damages, and even loss of business reputation. In this article, we will delve into the importance of pest control for your home or business and how Pest Management Professionals at Brady Pest Control can effectively help you keep these unwelcome critters at bay.

Engaging the services of experienced and knowledgeable professionals not only eliminates the immediate threat of pests but also prevents potential future infestations. From guaranteeing a safe place to live or work to protecting your investment, pest control experts provide a comprehensive solution for all your pest-related problems. Read more to understand why investing in pest control services is beneficial for maintaining a healthy and pest-free environment for your home or business.

Protecting Your Health: The Dangers of Pest Infestations

One of the most significant ways pests can negatively impact your home or business is by posing various health hazards. For instance, ants, scorpions, termites, and wasps are common pests that can lead to detrimental health concerns for your family, employees, or customers. Ants can contaminate food sources, while scorpions, known for their venomous sting, can pose medical risks if proper precautions aren’t taken. Termites, though not directly harmful to human health, can cause allergies and asthma issues due to their droppings and debris. Moreover, some wasp species can deliver painful stings, leading to allergic reactions in some individuals.

By investing in professional pest control services, you can help safeguard the health of everyone who visits or inhabits your home or business. Pest management professionals not only eliminate existing infestations but also reduce the likelihood of future problems, creating a safer environment for all.

Safeguarding Your Property: Preventing Property Damage

Pests, especially termites, can cause extensive damage to the structural integrity of a building. Termites are notorious for destroying wooden structures, resulting in costly repairs, and in some cases, total property loss. Ants, on the other hand, may not cause damage as extensive as termites, but their nests can weaken the foundation of your home or business if left unaddressed.

Scorpions are experts in finding cracks, crevices, and other small openings around the property. By doing so, they can indirectly cause damage to the structure by exposing these vulnerabilities. Similarly, wasps can cause severe damage to your property if they build large nests that put pressure on infrastructure, such as roof eaves or window frames. Engaging pest control specialists not only keeps your space pest-free but also promotes proactive measures to protect your valuable investment.

Maintaining a Professional Image: Pest Control for Businesses

In a business setting, having a clean and pest-free environment reflects a professional and responsible image. If clients and customers perceive your property to be infested with pests like ants, scorpions, or wasps, they may feel uncomfortable and question the quality of your products or services. Left unattended, pest infestations can damage your business reputation, decrease customer loyalty, and lead to a drop in revenue.

Likewise, a safe environment free from pests also improves employee morale and productivity, as they can work without the distraction and anxiety caused by pest-related issues. With a professional pest control service at your side, you can proactively protect your business’s professional reputation and ensure that both clients and employees associate your company with cleanliness and responsibility.

Choosing the Right Pest Management Professionals: Tips for Hiring

Selecting the right pest management professional is crucial in achieving desired results and maintaining a pest-free environment. Here are some tips to consider while selecting a pest control service:

  1. Experience: Select a company with a proven track record of experience in handling pest control cases similar to yours. This ensures that the technicians have adequate knowledge and expertise in identifying and eliminating specific pests, such as ants, scorpions, termites, or wasps.
  2. Licensing and Insurance: Always verify that the company you choose is licensed and insured, as it guarantees that they follow industry best practices and have adequate coverage for any unforeseen incidents.
  3. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Approach: Look for a company that uses an IPM approach, which involves a combination of preventative measures, monitoring, and sustainable control methods. This approach not only eliminates existing pests but also minimizes the risk of future infestations.
  4. Clear Communication: Open communication with your pest control professional is crucial for success. Ensure that they explain their procedures and treatments, and are willing to address any concerns you may have. Additionally, check if they offer ongoing support and services for long-term pest management.

A Proactive Approach to Pest-Free Living

The importance of pest control for your home or business cannot be overstated. With pests like ants, scorpions, termites, and wasps posing threats to both your health and property, it’s necessary to take proactive measures to keep these pests at bay. Brady Pest Control is the trusted choice for effective and reliable pest management professionals, ensuring the well-being of your family, employees, or customers.

By partnering with expert technicians like those at Brady Pest Control, you can address any current pest problems and minimize the likelihood of future infestations. Invest in a comprehensive pest control solution that protects your health, property, and reputation. Don’t wait for pests to wreak havoc on your home or business – act now! Contact Brady Pest Control today for a safe, comfortable, and pest-free environment.

bed bugs

Comprehensive Guide on Bed Bug Prevention and Control for Homeowners

Everyone knows that pests in the home can be more than just a nuisance – they can be downright disruptive to your daily routine. One of the most bothersome pests that homeowners face today is bed bugs. These minuscule insects might be small, but they can create a host of problems when left unchecked. As a pest management professional, we understand the importance of recognizing, preventing, and handling a bed bug infestation. This insightful guide is designed to help homeowners understand the most effective ways to deal with these pesky pests, including identifying an infestation, employing prevention strategies, and utilizing various control methods.

Bed bugs are small, wingless insects that feed on the blood of humans and other animals. Although their bites are generally painless, the itching and redness caused by their saliva can be highly irritating. In some cases, these bites can result in secondary skin infections or even severe allergic reactions. More than just causing physical discomfort, bed bugs can also lead to anxiety, stress, and sleeplessness, making them a significant concern for homeowners.

One of the most crucial aspects of addressing a bed bug infestation is recognizing the signs. These unwelcome visitors are excellent at hiding during the day, often burrowing inside mattresses, bed frames, and box springs. They usually emerge during the night when their host is asleep, which can make them hard to spot. To properly identify a bed bug infestation, homeowners should keep an eye out for telltale indicators, such as small reddish-brown bugs, black fecal spots, and tiny white eggs or discarded skins.

Recognizing the Signs of a Bed Bug Infestation

Awareness is key to spotting a bed bug infestation early. Familiarize yourself with the appearance of bed bugs, which are roughly the size of an apple seed and reddish-brown in color. Check for other signs, such as:

  1. Small black fecal spots on your bedding, mattress, or around your sleeping area.
  2. Tiny white eggs or discarded skins hidden in the seams of mattresses, furniture, or carpets.
  3. Red, itchy bites clustered on exposed skin, often in a line or zigzag pattern.

Inspect your bed, bedding, and surrounding areas regularly for these indicators. If you suspect an infestation, take immediate action to prevent further proliferation and damage.

Bed Bug Prevention Tips for Homeowners

The best way to deal with bed bugs is to prevent them from entering your home in the first place. Follow these easy prevention tips to minimize the risk of an infestation:

  1. Encase your mattresses and box springs: Use zippered protective covers specifically designed to keep bed bugs out. Encasements should be tightly woven and contain sturdy zippers.
  2. Vacuum regularly: Thoroughly vacuum your carpets, floors, and upholstery weekly to remove bed bugs and their eggs. Ensure you pay special attention to cracks, crevices, and the areas around your bed.
  3. Reduce clutter: Clutter provides the perfect hiding place for bed bugs. Keep a clean and well-organized home, particularly in your bedroom, to eliminate potential hiding spots.
  4. Inspect second-hand furniture: Bed bugs can be transported inside used furniture. Carefully examine any second-hand items for signs of bed bugs before bringing them into your home.
  5. Be cautious while traveling: Bed bugs are notorious for hitching a ride on clothes and luggage. Examine your hotel room for signs of an infestation, and keep your luggage off the floor and away from the bed. When returning home, unpack your luggage directly into the washing machine, and inspect your bags for any signs of bed bugs.

DIY Bed Bug Control Methods

Homeowners can initially try implementing do-it-yourself bed bug control methods. While these may not be as effective as professional treatments, they can help in some cases, particularly for mild infestations:

  1. Launder all potentially infested linens and clothing: Wash and dry your bedding, clothes, and soft furnishings in the hottest settings recommended by the manufacturer to kill bed bugs and their eggs.
  2. Use steam cleaning: High-heat steam cleaning can be effective in killing bed bugs on mattresses, upholstered furniture, and carpeted areas.
  3. Seal and isolate infested items: Enclose infested items, like clothing or bedding, in plastic bags and leave them outside in the sun for a few days. The heat can help kill any bed bugs and their eggs.
  4. Diatomaceous earth and vacuuming: Apply food-grade diatomaceous earth in areas where bed bugs are hiding. Follow up with thorough vacuuming to remove dead bed bugs, eggs, and diatomaceous earth.
  5. Use over-the-counter treatments: Some pesticide sprays and powders specifically designed for bed bugs are available for purchase. However, these products may be less effective due to bed bug resistance, and improper use can be hazardous to your health and the environment.

When to Call in the Professionals

If DIY methods aren’t proving effective, or if the infestation is widespread and severe, it’s time to call in pest management professionals. Professionals have the necessary tools, products, and expertise to deal with bed bug infestations efficiently and safely. They can assess the situation, develop a customized treatment plan, and monitor the progress until the infestation is eliminated.

Licensed pest control technicians utilize treatments such as:

  1. Heat treatments: Professionals use specialized heating equipment to raise the temperature in affected areas, effectively killing bed bugs at all life stages.
  2. Chemical treatments: Pest management professionals utilize EPA-registered pesticides safe for residential use, and apply them strategically to target bed bugs and their hiding spots.
  3. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach: This holistic approach focuses on using multiple control measures, including prevention, monitoring, and control strategies, tailored to your specific situation.


Bed bug infestations can cause distress and discomfort for homeowners, but being informed and proactive can help make all the difference. By learning to recognize the signs of an infestation and employing prevention methods, you’ll be one step closer to keeping your home bed bug-free. If you find yourself dealing with an infestation, DIY methods can provide some relief, but when in doubt, calling professional pest control services is the most reliable course of action.

Bed bug infestations should never be dismissed or underestimated. Get in touch with Brady Pest Control today to help you tackle these unwelcome invaders and allow you to enjoy a comfortable, pest-free home.

Brady Pest Control

Meet Parris Christopher Brady | Owner / Operator


We’ve had the good fortune of connecting with Parris Christopher Brady and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Parris Christopher, what is the most important factor behind your success?

There are several important factors that go into making/building a successful business brand. One of the most important factors behind our success is establishing relationships. Developing strong relationships is the meat and potato behind our success. Strong relationships are built by having integrity, being open and honest, communicating effectively and always respecting and appreciating others. At a young age, I was taught, “people may not remember exactly what you said to them, but they will always remember how you made them feel.”  Brady Pest Control will always make our customers feel special and appreciated.


Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?

Brady Pest Control (BPC) is a family-owned (2nd generation) pest control business. We specialize in several different categories of pest control including general pests, insects, termites, mosquitos, rodents and wasps. We take pride in our top-tier pest control services and providing world class customer service. We offer services to residential and commercial properties within the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex area. Brady Pest Control was founded independently in 2018. Built from the ground up, we have established our foundation by staying consistent in everything we do. Our leadership and core values have led us to stand out and be apart from others. Our core values are Integrity, Service, Quality, Efficiency, Safety and Teamwork. Hiring outstanding employees who align with our company’s core values is a vital key to our growth and success. We are most proud of our well-known reputation and the fantastic relationships we’ve built throughout the years with our customers!

We understand customers are both internal and external. Meaning our internal customers being our technicians/employees and the external customers, our clients we service. Brady pest control works really hard to ensure both internal and external customers are very well taken care of and treated with the utmost respect. Our customers are at the forefront of EVERYTHING we do!Creating a successful business is hard work, but maintaining and keeping clients is even harder. Having correct systems in place is an essential key to a rewarding business. Making certain all concerns are addressed and resolved quickly, while maintaining satisfied and happy customers. It has not been an easy journey, however seeing the joy in our clients faces and pest free homes/establishments, is what makes it all worth it. We continuously exceed client expectations by staying prepared, innovative and always being knowledgeable in our professional industry.

5 considering factors why Brady Pest Control exceeds customer expectations:

  • Response time – Brady Pest Control is available for you to email, message, or chat about your pest control needs/services 24/7. You can usually expect to schedule services within 24-48 hours of calling us, sometimes even same day!
  • Consistency – From your initial pest control treatment forward, we use only the most effective and safe products and equipment. We 100% guarantee your satisfaction every time!
  • Complimentary Re-treats – Pests returning to your location? Contact us anytime between regularly scheduled services and we will gladly come back out to re-treat your location at no additional costs to you.
  • Pest Control Bundles/Add Ons – Our pest control options are completely customizable for your personal pest control needs. We will continue to protect your locations free from spiders, fleas, termites, ants, wasps, moles, mosquitos, rodents and much more.
  • Customer Service -We LOVE our customers. We truly understand the importance of customer priority and satisfaction. We know without them; we would not be in business! For years, Brady Pest Control comes highly recommended by clients, neighbors, co-worker’s, family members and friends! Contact us today to learn why!
I learned this acronym when I was 7 years old. This is something my mother and I created. I still use it in my everyday life.



P=Perseverance and Prayers
S=Study Hard
N=Never Give up

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
A fun week long trip for me would incorporate my family, lots of food, music, sports, reading and outdoor activities. My itinerary would look like this:
Restaurants to visit: Chapps Burgers, Pluckers Wings, Texas Road House, Eddie V’s, BFF Grill and Pappadeaux.
Exciting places to experience: AT&T Stadium, Texas Live, Exploring Downtown Dallas, American Airlines Center, Boating and Water sports at Joe Pool Lake, Food Events, Visiting parks and outdoor activities (bike riding, hiking, roller blading)

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The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
Hands down, I would not be here without the love, support and faith of God almighty. I give the highest praises to my Lord and Savior. My family has always been a HUGE influence in everything I do. I want to thank them for the love, patience and support they have given me over all these years. Very BIG special shout out to my woman and my two daughters; they are my reasons I get up in the morning! I love you girls! I also want to thank everyone at Brady Pest Control for your time, dedication, hard work and professionalism that you put into this company. Hiring outstanding employees who align with our company’s core-values is vital to our growth and success. My Mom and Grandma have been my biggest cheerleaders since I was a baby! Thanks mom and granny! Shout out to you guys at “Voyage Dallas, shoutout DFW” for opening this platform up to showcase my business! Also, thank you to my family, friends, plus each one of our dearest clients for always supporting us and being the best part of Brady Pest Control! Thank you so much!


To See Official “SHOUTOUT DFW VOYAGE DALLAS” Interview Article: Click Here!


Brady Pest Control

5 Reasons to choose pest control services for your home

general pest control

There are several reasons why pest control for your house should be taken into account. To help protect themselves, their families, and their biggest investment, their home, homeowners need pest control as part of their regular home maintenance routine.

Pest management is beneficial for a variety of reasons, including preventing property damage and improving health. Continue reading to find out more about why pest treatment is a crucial component of responsible homeownership.

Top 5 Reasons to choose premium pest control services for your home

Health risks can be posed by insect pests

You can get sick from pests. Rodents and insects seek food in unclean areas where they might spread bacteria and pathogens. Through bites, waste, or contact with people, they can bring infections into your house and potentially spread diseases. Additionally, they may make certain medical conditions worse, such as asthma. Some bugs produce allergens that make it more difficult for persons with respiratory conditions like allergies or asthma to breathe comfortably. Regular pest treatment can assist in the elimination of these pests that are linked to health risks, improving the environment for your family.

You can avoid pests on your food

Good home economics includes keeping a well-stocked pantry, but sadly, many common pantry goods are tasty to bugs. Many common pests, such as roaches, ants, and even rats, invade your home in search of a food source. They’re likely to remain if they find food in your living areas. Bugs commonly crawl over trash and other filthy areas. You must discard and replace any infected items if they have been hiding in your pantry. Insects will probably continue to eat your food if the pest management issue is not resolved. You can store your food in tightly sealed plastic or glass containers as an extra layer of protection in addition to regular pest control services to keep away pests like roaches. By putting the grocery items in bug-proof containers, you can avoid spending money on having to replace them.

Cockroach control and treatments in Grand Prairie Texas

Property damage can be avoided

Your home can suffer damage from pests and insects. Your property value may decrease as a result of structural damage brought on by termites, other insects, and other wood-eating organisms. Before they have done major damage, some destructive bugs can be difficult to detect. The trained pest control specialists know what to look for and can assist identify pest issues before the ordinary homeowner does.

You’ll receive specialized pest control along with the best and the Most Powerful Pest Control Products 

Professionals can complete any task successfully because they have the correct tools, training, and products. Applying pest control solutions on your own can be scary. You may be sure you’re getting the most recent products and that they are being used by someone who is knowledgeable about the ideal regions and dosages to use them in when working with a qualified technician from a professional pest control business. Additionally, they can choose goods or other pest control options based on the requirements of your household.

You Experience peace of mind

It might be daunting to take care of a house. The majority of people consider their home to be their largest investment, and taking care of their home involves a variety of duties, including pest control. You won’t have to worry about insects and the expensive damage they may cause to your home, your most valuable investment if you employ a professional pest control service. In this manner, you can be sure that you are taking all necessary precautions to keep your family and possessions free of pests.

The Need for Pest Control

As you can see, there are numerous benefits to using a routine pest control service. You can keep your home in good condition and feel at ease. Because it can assist to foster a healthy atmosphere and prevent property damage, pest control is a wise investment. Protection against insects is a worthwhile investment where some pests, like termites, can cost thousands of dollars in structural or aesthetic damage that insurance won’t pay for.

Why Opt for Professional Pest Management?

Is hiring a professional pest control company worthwhile? Because it offers a quick and useful response to an existing infestation or helps in avoiding one from emerging, people choose professional pest management. Customers that need pest control use the service because they believe it is affordable.

Contact Information

7315 Vienta Point Dr Grand Prairie, Texas 75054


Brady Pest Control

Choosing the Right Pest Control Services For Your Home

Pest Control Irving Texas

Are you dealing with a pest infestation that won’t go away but don’t know who to call? Brady pest control can certainly help you! Pests cause extensive damage to properties while spreading tons of germs that can make you or your family sick.

Brady Pest Control is a well-known reputable pest control company in Grand Prairie, Texas that can help with pest infestations. We offer many varieties of pest control services like general pest control, termite control and rodent control to name a few. We even have premium packages that are even more convenient for our customers. For full details visit our pest control services page.

With so many good or bad options for pest control services in the market, you might need clarification about which to choose.

Check the company’s licenses!

When hiring a pest control company, you must hire a company with proper licensing, which is very important! Brady Pest Control is Licensed and Regulated by the Texas Department of Agriculture.

Go through customer reviews!

Every customer has a unique experience with a service provider, which can tell a lot about the company you are about to hire! It would be best if you went through the customer reviews on the company website; this will help you decide whether you would like to hire the company or not. Our company reviews are located on our pest control reviews page. You can also search Brady Pest Control Grand Prairie and find even more reviews on google!

Discuss the safety measures taken by the experts!

A pest control company should discuss the safety measures you might need to take to avoid exposure. The company must follow all safety measures.

Know the qualifications of the company!

Just like every profession, pest control services also require high level training. Please ensure that the company you are hiring has trained certified professionals who know how to do the job right!

Consider the company’s guarantee policy!

Not all companies offer guaranteed follow-up services if the problem persists before the committed time. It is best to choose a company that assures – you don’t have to deal with the issue repeatedly, and that their service warranties will stay effective for the extended periods.

You can rely on Brady Pest Control for all of these! We offer effective professional pest control services that are convenient and tailored to your individual pest control needs.


Brady Pest Control

Rodent Control, Preventing Rodent Activity

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Rodents can be seen anywhere in a home or building but are commonly located near points where they can find food, water, shelter or a potential nesting site. Even if you have not actually seen rodents, small elongated black droppings are always reliable indicators that rodents have infested your property.

  • Droppings
  • Urine stains
  • Gnawed edges
  • Chew noises
  • Nests of shredded fibers or material

Rodent Control

As part of Brady’s strategic rodent control plan, focus on improvements in the following areas to help keep rodents away.

• Inspect your roof and repair any possible rodent entry points. Rodents only need about the size of a quarter to gain entry access into a small space.

• Ensure that trash and recycling bins are emptied regularly and have self-closing, tight fitting lids to keep rodents away.
• Manage moisture around your property. Pests need water.

• Keep property clear of debris and all possible rodent harborage areas.

 Myths about Mice

  • It is rare for only a single mouse to take up residence at a home or facility. Mice reproduce rapidly with a single female producing up to 60 offspring each year.
  • Cats or dogs may hunt a mouse for sport, but cannot control rodent infestations.
  • Mice do not necessarily like cheese. The best bait for mice is peanut butter, chocolate and meats.