Brady Pest Control

Tips For Limiting Pest Activity in Grand Prairie, Texas

general pest control


In Grand Prairie, Texas anytime of the year whether Spring, Summer, Fall, or Winter, pests can potentially pose a serious threat to your home. The best method to guard off any unwelcome guests, is to protect your home with a professional state certified pest control company (One with warranties too)! Brady Pest Control offers treatment warranties against rats, insects, Carpenter Ants, termites and over 65+other pests. We are prepared. You can also help keep pests out of your home by following a few simple tips.

Watch for any pest activity, then call us!

Call us to take preventative measures now to keep pests out. Keep an eye out for any potential indications of pests. Conduct routine inspections of your home, concentrating on concern spots. Remember that these pests may accumulate in your garage, basement, attic, kitchen, laundry room, under large appliances, or even in your lawn. Early detection of an issue makes solving it simpler. This is important to Brady Pest Control.

Consistent Maintenance

Your home may suffer as the seasons change and as time goes on. Additionally, this opens up spaces and access for potential pest incursions. Maintaining your home regularly is essential for keeping out pests. Examine your home’s exterior and make any necessary repairs. Cracks should be patched, holes should be fixed, and pest entry points should be covered.

Watch the Water/Moisture

Pests typically require two things in their ideal home: a water source and a food source. Keep an eye on the water around your Grand Prairie home. Inspect any potential spots where water may collect and sit after a hard rain. In order to prevent unwelcome house guests, make sure to undertake routine maintenance on your home. Leaking pipes, gutters, and damp rooms are all attractants.

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Limit all food sources

One of the most important spaces in your house is the kitchen, and not just for you and your family. Close the buffet because pests are frequently discovered anyplace there is food if you want to keep your home free of pests. Maintain a spotless kitchen and clean up completely after meals. To prevent uninvited guests from showing up all over your property, it’s a good idea to store food in one section of the house. Put all of your food storage—including pet food—in sealed containers to keep it. Garbage should also be kept in a container that can be sealed. If the food source is cut off, bugs will start looking elsewhere.

Keep everything clean

It’s critical that you clear any mess in addition to containing food. Pests prefer untidy, filthy environments. Their preferred hiding spots are basements. Furthermore, despite our best efforts, it’s likely that we missed a few crumbs when cleaning on a daily basis. If at all possible, vacuum every day and deep-clean your house at least once every two to three months. Don’t let trash accumulate so that bugs have a place to hide or grow.

Regular lawn care

A well-kept yard is equally important to a well-maintained home. Numerous insects, including mosquitoes, stink bugs, and others, thrive in overgrown yards. Maintain your yard and lawn regularly. Keep your overgrowth from getting out of control. Many wild animals and rodents are drawn to overgrown areas. Take care of your property if you want to prevent pests.

Shut Off the Lights

Exterior Light sources frequently entice insects. Light draws insects, whether it’s a porch lamp or a floodlight. Simply turn off the lights near your home, especially those near any openings like doors and windows, to keep them outside. Consider switching to automatic lights or utilizing different bulbs if you need to keep your lights on for security reasons.

Cover your trash

Your waste is an easy attraction for any outside intruder. Keep your trash in a sealed container to deter any unwelcome guests like pests or rodents. If at all possible, keep the lids closed. Additionally, to deter pests, routinely wipe up your trash cans.

Get routine inspections

Setting up routine inspections with a pest control specialist can help protect your property, whether you’ve already dealt with an infestation or you just want to be extra cautious. Despite the necessity of keeping up with home care, pest issues are still a possibility. Arranging routine inspections is a simple approach to staying in the lead.


Pests can be a problem at any time of year. Contact Brady Pest Control today if you have a pest problem or to protect your house for prevention right now.

Contact Information

7315 Vienta Point Dr Grand Prairie, Texas 75054


Brady Pest Control

How to Keep Pests Away From Your Garden and Lawn

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When you believe you know everything about Gardening, the seasons change, seeds grow or fail, and you quickly come to realize how much more there is to learn. Gardening is a pastime that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and is one of the most fulfilling ways to spend an early morning or late afternoon. It calls for patience, creativity, and endurance.

Gardening can occasionally become frustrating when we discover that our efforts have been in vain due to unwanted pests. We start to wonder how to manage garden pests and keep them at bay when holes start to form, herbs are nibbled to the ground, plants fail to grow because of soil pests, and we discover that our organic greens have been destroyed.

However, if you garden organically, pests will find you. To keep away pests from your garden, you only need to know how to keep them away and what to grow.

Being able to spend time in your yard when the weather is great is the nicest part of having one. Unfortunately, pests and other insects enjoy nice weather too, so they won’t think twice about accessing your property. Here are the top suggestions and techniques you may use to keep pests out of your yard from Brady Pest Control.

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Keep Grass Short and Mow

Pests love staying in untidy, overgrown environments. They enjoy being able to hide within weeds and long grass. This means that the more clean and organized your yard is, the less appealing it will be to them. The insects, bees, rats,  mole crickets, grub worms and other tiny pests will be more attracted to someone else’s lawn if you keep your grass short.

local pest control service Grand Prairie

Get Rid of Any Standing Water

Pests frequently target locations with standing water when searching for a spot to hide or place to make home. It is used by some insects, like mosquitoes, to reproduce. Make sure you empty any buckets or containers that collect rainwater to prevent this from happening. Additionally, you should frequently clean out your gutters. Kids’ pools and birdbaths should both have their water changed at least once every few days.

Store Birdseed Securely

Pests like mice and rats prefer to settle in yards with easy access to food. They can choose birdseed because it’s simple to consume and typically simple to obtain. Start by keeping your bird seed in a metal container that closes securely if you simply wish to feed the birds.

Include Plant Life That Repels Pests

There are numerous plants with fragrances that repel insects and pests from approaching. Plant lavender, marigolds, mint, garlic, citronella, lavender, and rosemary to ward off insects and pests.

Make Sure to Put a Lid on Recycling and Garbage Containers

Pests may be repelled by some garden scents, but they are undoubtedly drawn to the smell of trash. Garbage bins serve as breeding grounds for insects and rodents as they consume your leftover food. Making sure your bins are always closed properly. Covering your bins properly is the best approach to prevent pests from getting into your trash.

Use LED lights rather than Incandescent Bulbs

The spectrum of light produced by incandescent bulbs attracts insects. While some insects will still be drawn to LED lights, you’ll typically see less of them swarming around them.

Morning is the best time to water plants

Even though it’s usually easier said than done, we must try to do our best. Water in the morning if you can. This has two benefits. First, when the warmest portion of the day arrives, your plants will be well-hydrated. The leaves will also have time to dry before dusk. Many garden pests, such as slugs, snails, and earwigs, love to hang around on damp plants, especially if you also tend to plant closer together and densely.

Plant in the right place

Keep plants that require full sun out of other places. Similarly, grow crops based on their water requirements. Grow a crop in a location that stays moist for a longer period of time if it needs more water to keep healthy. For a while, crops may be able to survive less-than-ideal conditions, but eventually, they will weaken and they may fall prey to pests. Pests in gardens can be avoided with a simple planting strategy.

Contact Information

7315 Vienta Point Dr Grand Prairie, Texas 75054
