Different types of wasps are found in Texas. Wasps can cause damage. It is important to handle them. Brady Pest Control can help you. Get rid of wasps.

Types of Wasp 

There are different Texas wasps. Let’s look into the details;

1- Paper Wasps

Paper wasps are found in Texas. They are famous for nest-building skills. Paper wasps use paper-like material. They are present under eaves.

Identification: Paper wasps are slim. They are brown with yellow markings. 

Prevention: Look for their nests. Check nooks and crannies. 

2. Yellow Jackets

Yellow Jackets are aggressive. They have a painful sting. Yellow Jackets build nests underground. 

Identification: Yellow Jackets are yellow and black. They love sugary foods. 

Prevention: Keep your food covered. Seal your trash bins tightly.

3. Mud Dauber Wasps

Mud daubers are solitary wasps. They form the mud nests. Mud wasps are beneficial as they control spiders. They can be startling if you stumble on their nests. 

Identification: Mud Dauber wasps are black with yellow or blue markings on them.

Prevention: Check for Mud nests around your house.

4. Bald-Faced Hornets

Bald-faced hornets are  big wasps. These wasps are mean and aggressive. They are not hornets. Bald-faced hornets have papery nests. They are found hanging from trees. 

Identification: Bald-faced hornets are black with white markings. 

Prevention: Do not disturb their nests. Get professional help for removal. 

5. Cicada Killer Wasps

Cicada killers are large. They are harmless to humans. Cicada wasps burrow underground. They prey on cicadas. 

Identification: The Cicada killer wasp has a black body with yellow stripes. 

Prevention: Keep lawns well-maintained. Don’t let wasps build their nests. 

Preventing Wasp Infestations

Inspection: Check your home for nests. Look for the signs of wasp activity. 

Seal Entry Points: Seal all the gaps. Close off all the holes in the house. 

Keep it Clean: Remove the food sources. Food attracts wasps.

Professional Help: Get professional help from Brady Pest Control. They remove wasps in Texas.

Final Words!

Stay vigilant. Wasps can cause damage. Take preventive measures. Keep the pesky Texas wasps away. Get help from Brady Pest Control. Fill out our form. Call 817-714-5875 today.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the most common wasp in Texas?

Paper Wasp is the most common wasp in Texas.

What is the killer wasp in Texas?

The cicada killer wasp is the largest in Texas. It is up to 1 inch in length. 

Are Texas paper wasps aggressive?

Texas paper wasps are aggressive.  They only attack when someone disturbs their nests. 

What are the fuzzy wasps in Texas?

Red velvet ants are fuzzy wasps. The wingless females resemble ants. They have dense fur-like hair.

Which Texas wasp has the worst sting?

Tarantula hawks have the worst sting in Texas.

What is the black wasp-like insect in Texas?

Mydas fly is the black wasp-like insect in Texas.

Are Texas wasps aggressive?

Texas wasps are not aggressive. They attack when they feel threatened.

Do Texas wasps sting?

Usually, Texas wasps don’t sting. They will sting when they feel threatened.

Are Texas red wasps aggressive?

Texas red wasps are not aggressive. They will sting if they are disturbed.

What attracts wasps in Texas?

Sweets and meats attract wasps in Texas.

Do black wasps live in Texas?

Yes, black wasps live in Texas.

Are wasps protected in Texas?

Yes, wasps are protected in Texas.