Do red ants disturb your peace of mind? Brady Pest Control in Grand Prairie, TX, will solve this problem. The constant appearance of red ants around a home can be frustrating. With proper care, you can eliminate them forever. You can ensure your house is ant-free by implicitly an effective approach. 

Several techniques can be tried, from maintaining the cleanliness of outside areas to caulking the doors and applying ant baits. With our Brady Pest Control‘s expertise, you’ll get rid of the problem with red ants for good.

What is the Best Way to Get Rid of Red Ants?

What is the Best Way to Get Rid of Red Ants in 2024 - Brady Pest Control

1. Keep Outdoor Areas Clean:

Red ants tend to be attracted to crumbs of food and organic matter. Make sure your outdoor areas are always picked up and tidy. It may prevent them from establishing their communities.

2. Seal Entry Points:

Check the exterior of your house for any cracks, spaces, and openings. Red ants may sneak in via them. Seal these entry points. Use caulk or silicone. It prevents ants from entering your housing.

3. Use Ant Baits:

Place ant baits in areas where red ants are active. Position it near outdoor trails or next to ant mounds. Ant baits consist of slow-acting insecticides. They will bring it back to their nest. It completely eradicates the entire nest with time.

4. Apply Diatomaceous Earth:

Diatomaceous earth is a natural material. Sprinkle it around your home. It makes a barrier that red ants won’t go through. This powdery substance will soak up the oils and fats necessary for ants’ exoskeletons. It causes dehydration and their death.

5. Try Natural Repellents:

Some natural products e.g. peppermint oil, cinnamon, or citrus peels make a good red ants repellent. Just sprinkle these compounds on the ants’ territory. It deters the ants from hanging around.

6. Use Boiling Water:

Pour the boiling water straight into red ant nests. It is a great way to eradicate ant colonies. However, do not forget to be careful with hot water! Protective clothing should be worn to prevent burns.

7. Pour White Vinegar:

White vinegar helps to fight off red ants. Pour a liter directly onto their nest to kill them. Vinegar will not damage the plants and soil. It is the safest option.

Contact Brady Pest Control today! Get rid of red ants outside your home permanently!

8. Mix Boric Acid and Sugar:

The combination of boric acid and sugar is a highly effective baiting system for red ant termination. The mixture triggers ants to take it to their colony and then kills them. 

By this method, the whole colonies are eradicated immediately. It stops the formation of a new one. Apply the paste at the entrance of the ant colony. 

9. Trim Vegetation: 

Red ants usually construct their nests in dense vegetation. Keep your lawn well-trimmed. Trim back any vegetation around your home. It keeps your property clean of red ants.

10. Consult a Professional:

If you have a troublesome red ant problem that is large and widespread, it is probably time to search for a Brady Pest Control in Grand Prairie, TX. They assess the situation. They provide the most suitable treatment alternatives for removing red ants from your place.

Final Words!

Practicing the above ways and being proactive in the steps you take to eliminate the ants will help you successfully control them. Enjoy a pest-free environment. Be careful with insecticides. Follow label instructions for safe use.

Call Brady Pest Control for your red ants removal. Fill out our form. Or call 817-714-5875 now.