Flea & Tick Infestations
Fleas and ticks are ectoparasite that usually attach, infest and thrive off a host. Often times this can be your pet. Animal fur and warm bodies such as a cat or dog provide the ideal environment for them to bite, feed and thrive on your pets. Flea or tick infestations can bite then latch onto your pet's skin, feed on their blood and cause a range of health issues to your pet. Flea and Tick infestations are two of the most common pet care concerns in the United States of America.
Professional pest management is the best way possible to keep flea and tick infestations out of your home and away from your pets.
What are Fleas?
Fleas are small, wingless, and bloodsucking insects. They are about 1-2mm in size and have a characteristic jumping movement. They can jump up to two meters high. There are many species of fleas with the most common of them being Ctenocephalides felis. Fleas have a lifespan that spans between as few as 13 days and as many as 12 months. They feed on animals such as cats, dogs and humans in most cases. Fleas have an oval shape and red or brown in color.
What are Ticks?
Ticks are small and flightless arachnids, a class of arthropods. This implies they are in the same class as scorpions, spiders, and mites. Less than two millimeters in size, ticks are round-shaped, black in color, and have a hard shell. There are various different species of ticks with many of them requiring blood for survival. Ticks feed on animal hosts, in many cases humans - by latching onto their skin and burrowing into their skin with their mouthpart and sucking for blood. Ticks are divided into two groups – soft-bodied and hard-bodied, both of which are commonly found on pets and capable of transmitting illnesses and diseases.
How to Tell If Your Pets Have Fleas or Ticks?
It is normal to look for specific signs in your pets to tell if they have fleas or ticks. The symptoms are pretty easy to detect. Check to see if your pet is itching a lot. They become itchy because of the allergic skin reaction developed from fleas and ticks clinging to your pets skin. Their skin may be irritated or have red scabs. Look for patches of missing fur around their neck or near the tail. The fur loss is usually as a result of them repeatedly scratching or biting of the infested body area. Fleas and ticks can damage your pets hair follicles. We recommend making arrangements to treat your pet by a licensed vet prior to professionally treating and exterminating your property for these pests.
How to Remove Fleas & Ticks?
To safely and effectively exterminate a thriving flea and tick infestation from your home, you should hire a professional exterminator. At Brady Pest Control, we are a reputable and professional Pest Control Company. With our team of well-trained pest control experts and our best-in-the-industry pest control tools, we will assist you in identifying flea & tick infestations and by removing them from your home. Our pest control services are tailored to prevent recurring infestations from happening and to offer you a home your family/pets can live comfortably in!