


Earwigs are crawling, nocturnal insects - that are most active at night. They have a distinguishable dark reddish-brown color and are about 5/8 inches long. They are identifiable by the pincers located on the back of their abdomen. These common insects are likely to be found trying to enter your home through various entry points. Seeing earwigs crawling around your home usually requires the assistance from a professional. Brady Pest Control is your best choice when it comes to knocking unwanted pests out for good!


Do Earwigs Bite

Earwigs can bite, but it is very rare. However if they do bite, it is usually in effort to defend themselves. The pincers located at the back of their abdomen are used for self-defense when they are agitated. Earwig bites mostly occur when someone tries to pick them up. The pincers of the male earwigs are large and can break the skin, therefore, we do not recommend getting close enough to make contact with them.


Are Earwigs Poisonous

Many fear the earwig’s bite is poisonous. The pinch of their pincers might hurt, but it does not have any venom, bacteria, or diseases. They can, however, wreak havoc to your garden, fruits, stunt the growth of seedlings and bring down the aesthetics of your home. Earwig require the attention and services of a professional pest control company and Brady Pest Control is your best choice when it comes to knocking unwanted pests out for good!

Side Effects or Immediate Effects of an Earwig Bite

Usually, there are no side effects of an earwig bite. This can only occur if the pincer breaks open the skin. In such a case, the bitten area becomes swollen and may eventually culminate in a blister. This is because earwigs thrive in moist areas where there are bacteria and harmful microorganisms grow.

If the blister is not properly taken care of, the following symptoms may occur:

  • Fever
  • Pain and tenderness around the bitten area
  • Rapidly growing sore around the pinched spot
  • Abscess and pus coming out from the affected area


Earwigs Inside My Home, Where Do They Come From

Earwigs typically seek damp, dark places and are attracted to moisture found in these areas. They can get inside your home through various points of entry including windows, doors, crevices, etc. When you find multiple earwig wandering inside your home, it is likely because sources of moisture are around your home and they are reproducing in high numbers. Also, their presence indoors can be attributed to cold weather conditions outdoors. They often intrude on your home to seek forage and shelter.